If you never thought that waffles could be a saga, think again. On the ketogenic diet, regular kid dietary staples are a thing of the past. That means pancakes, waffles, grilled cheese, french toast, pizza, all those usual kid favorites? They are out and poor mom is left desperately seeking a substitute for picky kid carb fiends. Keto dieticians are very accustomed to hearing “My kid isn’t picky at all. S/he will eat anything at all… so long as it is a carbohydrate.” My daughter was particularly concerned she wouldn’t be able to eat enough sweet things. She’s STILL concerned about that, to be honest. I’m concerned she’s not getting enough nutrients, but she’s still upset she can’t walk into a store and buy a candy bar.
We’ve managed to make a reasonable facsimile of French Toast. Check. We have not yet satisfied her need for pancakes. She hates the keto pancakes. Not yet a check. I do, however, have a pretty good keto waffle recipe and I was pretty proud of my keto waffles. So much so that I felt safe making waffles for her and serving them alongside “real” waffles for the other kids. I defy you to find a more realistic looking waffle!
They were not bad, if I do say so myself! And she liked them. Until, that is, she spied some of the other waffles. Because, while I did, indeed, make many of the “real” waffles in the same waffle-stick maker that I made her waffle in, I made the mistake of making SOME of the “real” waffles in the “Mickey Mouse” waffle maker. Oh dear. What a colossal mistake! She was having none of her waffle-shaped waffle! IF it wasn’t Mickey-shaped, it was NOT a waffle.
The problem is that her waffle batter is pretty small. AND it isn’t very spreadable. So there wasn’t a great way to make it in the Mickey waffle maker! Uh oh.
But there had to be a solution. Starting with the fact that she’s been losing weight rapidly, so I already knew I had to increase the size of her meals by 160 calories. So that would automagically increase the size of her waffle. So I started there. But that made… a still not very spreadable waffle that didn’t look very…. Mickey-like:
It was clear that somehow I had to add more spreadability and more volume to the batter. So I consulted my sous-chef/husband. We decided to use some of her cream to the batter. It took a full 30 grams (as much butter as was already in the batter!) but we came up with a batter that was spreadable. The waffle was more fragile and a little tricky to maneuver, but it worked! And I had a very happy girl!